About me
I am a Graphic Designer that specializes in branding and on a mission to bring your voice to life. As a branding designer I've had the pleasure of mastering many I started off as an illustrator keen on conceptual art as my main medium. As a child I was always involved in art, and explored many mediums, like Animation, academic drawing, painting, digital painting, matte painting, photography, 3D modeling/ animation, film making, editing film/ video.
These experiences let me gave me the tools to learn extremely fast, and efficiently! Graphic Design was a new medium starting RISD. So using my diverse background i kept making and making... to not much satisfaction. Some projects had good ideas and concepts but nothing I made was concrete or had any sustenance. I found my problem to be related to my process of creating projects. I would always corner myself within the process of creating design works, along with being rushed by weekly/ daily projects. This was not an effective way of being a designer.
I had to start thinking like a problem solver, taking each concept and problem step by step. Having proper clauses to justify the path I went. This process was the complete opposite on how I made art before, where I learned through a aesthetic lens, where the only justification is "if it looks beautiful enough for the viewer." Not really paying attention to my own voice, and thoughts about subjects.
I have learned to listen to the subject. I have dedicated myself to being a medium solving the two way communication of the subject and viewer. I learned that my job as a designer is to think critically and clear, to deconstruct and reconstruct concepts and information for people.